25 thoughts on “Robbie Williams | Soccer Aid 2012 | Appeal Film: Mexico”

  1. Hay gente que no elige esa vida, como dice un dicho hay gente que nace con
    estrella y gente que nace estrellada, por eso hay que dar gracias a dios
    cada día por lo que tenemos y que lo sepamos conservar.

  2. is a shame, thas wy, the “Gods” visit them sow much, all gonna start in

  3. Damn Robbie, when did you come to Mexico? I Wanted to see you! 😛 Anyway do
    us a favour, if you want to see good change in Mexico support AMLO 2012,
    don’t support that asshole called Enrique Peña Nieto!.

  4. Thanks Wushigugu Bob!!! We need more people like you! Thanks for came to
    Mexico, we needed you so!

  5. Robbie you are an ANGEL for all this kids, unfortunaly I didn’t know that
    you came to Mexico; in case I did know I like to meet you 😀

  6. Eso es humildad y no chingaderas! Grande Sr. Williams! Pd: ya regresa a
    cantar por favor y ven a México por favor!!!

  7. estuvo en México!!! <3 Robbie thanks por no olvidarte de nosotros , espero
    que venga de gira a México pronto 🙂

  8. Good for Robbie and Soccer Aid and ….maybe UNICEF…..but what about
    governments of countries where children go through such situations.

  9. ‘re the best, by actions how are you Mexico has its problematic and semper
    is nice to see people who reveal the truth

  10. Thank you, Rob, for thinking of our brothers and sisters on the border of
    California. Since you live in L.A., as do I, it’s wonderful that you picked
    Mexico to focus on for Soccer Aid. So many in need, but grateful you
    brought attention to this part of the world. Very proud of you!

  11. Mi Ángel :D, mi cantante favorito que bueno que haces este tipo de
    acciones, ven pronto a Mexico! 🙂 Quiero conocerte y cantar Come undone
    hasta quedar me sin voz

  12. i’m crying now, i love him so much, thanks for helping a lot of children
    not just from here in Mexico but also from all around the world..

  13. robbie your are the best person!!! i love you!!!!! remember you are the
    best! ♥ forever!

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